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Pre-Black Friday discounts to build our corporate forest together on Treedom

Times change and, with them, also the way of doing business. In a historical era dominated by consumerism on the one hand and threatened by the climate and environmental crisis on the other, we are strongly convinced that companies must rethink the way they produce and sell. 

This is why we at ULTRASOUNDtech base our business on a philosophy focused on respect for the environment. Not only because we offer chemical-free and cruelty-free products but also because we want to offset our ecological footprint by supporting green projects.

Our next initiative is based on the fight against hyper-consumption and, consequently, attention to the future of the planet: from 25th October to 21st November 2022 all products present in the catalogue will be discounted by 20%; the amount that our customers save will be accumulated and used to plant a corporate forest on Treedom, the platform which allows you to plant trees remotely and follow the progress of the project over time.

The choice of the range in which to offer the 20% discount is not accidental: we wanted to anticipate the Black Friday period (25th November) to go against the logic of excessive consumerism that has traditionally accompanied this date . In fact, not everyone knows that Black Friday is not only an occasion to take advantage of to make purchases at discounted prices: it is also a time of the year in which there is a surge in CO2 emissions, due to the transport of the purchased products.

A trend that needs to be inverted. Starting from re-thinking the market: buyers must have all the tools available to make more informed choices and companies must make profits but from a more sustainable perspective.

Our commitment with Treedom

Over time, we have embraced the causes of associations committed, in various ways, to defending the environment.

In this case, we chose Treedom, which has an active section dedicated to companies, with the aim of transforming trees into real brand ambassadors. As in the case in which a tree is given or planted on one’s own initiative, the history of each individual tree can also be followed step-by-step for the corporate forest, through a dedicated page: the Tree Diary. It is a real journey that starts from the garden centre to grounding, from geolocation to the state of health over time: a transparent story which allows companies to see how their commitment to the environment takes shape.

Neem trees will also populate our corporate forest, an evergreen species which can even reach 30 metres in height. This is a tree which offers numerous benefits. First of all, it is an excellent shading tree: thanks to its thick foliage which, as well providing shade, keeps the soil more humid, thus proving to be a natural barrier against desertification. Furthermore, in its areas of origin, i.e. Burma and India,Neem trees are widely used in traditional medicine, so much so that they are defined as “the healer of all ailments”.

But there are some specific characteristics which made us choose this type of tree: it is a tree which suits our core business on the one hand and with our environmental commitment on the other. In fact, Neem trees are natural insect repellents and precious allies for the health of the planet. A single plant is capable of absorbing 900 kg of CO2, thus helping to guide companies – and all of us – towards a carbon neutral future.

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