ULTRASOUNDtech™ joined the United Nations’s Global Compact – the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative – and engaged itself to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the 2030 Agenda.
The SDGs are a collection of global goals included in the 2030 Agenda, a plan of action signed by the 193 Member States of the United Nations. They provide a shared blueprint for prosperity and peace in order to secure our planet and to support the needs of the present and future generations. The goals address global challenges such as social inclusion, sustainability in economic growth and environmental protection, priorities that can’t be neglected no more for the survival of humanity.
Product innovation supports the Sustainable Development Goals
We are all called to improve the way we do business and enhance social responsibility, especially when we have an impact on many individuals. We strongly believe that companies of any kind and size MUST help their own communities, their own people to embrace new principles and morals that are needed to guarantee our future.Behind the idea of ULTRASOUNDtech™, there’s a strong will to change the traditional approach to pests and to find an alternative solution to chemical pest control. Finally, we want to get rid of chemical treatments in the repellent market.
Our corporate vision and values are linked to 5 out of the 17 SDGs; our commitment is to pursue each goal and to let them guide us on the right path. We want to spread awareness about the importance of Sustainable Development, and most importantly to support eco-friendly projects, linked to the 5 SDGs we decided to concentrate on.
Being part of the change is not necessary. We want to be the change itself and maybe to inspire other people and companies to act in the same direction of the principles stated in the SDGs. United we grow. United we stand. Divided we fall.
Good health and well-being
Everyone should have access to medical care and must be able to live with dignity. One of the primary efforts of modern society is to reduce the impact that human activity has on the health of human beings themselves. However, it is even more important to see health and physical well-being as a primary asset, not a privilege.
Gender equality
All individuals are created equal. Achieving gender equality is something we are very sensitive to. The gender wage gap and the discrimination against women and girls are problems that many still struggle to even admit. We all need to be able to choose what we want to be, regardless of the gender characteristics we embody.
Sustainable cities and communities
Cities and communities should gradually reduce their impact on nature and the world that hosts us. This is perhaps one of the most difficult goals to achieve because it affects many aspects of our life, including comforts. Making cities and human settlements resilient and sustainable is a prerogative for the survival of mankind and for the conservation of an ecosystem that is already in grave danger.
Climate action
Acting individually and as a community to prevent and fight climate change. What makes the Earth a habitable place is, day after day, put to the test. A generalized indifference towards phenomena such as sea level rise or global warming can no longer be tolerated. Political actors and other public figures should raise awareness of the mass in order to contain as much as possible the damage caused to the environment.
Life below water
Being rich in biodiversity and teeming with life, oceans are a priceless heritage that we put to the test every day with waste that can’t be disposed of in an inexpensive and eco-friendly way. Reducing consumption, helping not to disperse dangerous plastics and other packaging that aren’t biodegradable are important goals to pursue a better tomorrow.